Friday, April 15, 2016

What is the Reason for Diversity of Human Beings

 Diversity of Human Beings


  • Understand the value of LIFE
  • Help Others by means of MIND, Money ,Healthy

As a rough  estimate around 800  crores  peoples are living in the entire world Populations

In this populations almost everyone is different from others in terms of :
  1. Physical body structure
  2. Attitude
  3. Knowledge /Wise
  4. Fame
  5. Healthier
  6. Peace Of Mind
  7. Wealth

There are 16 Reasons for above 7 difference among human beings irrespective religion/country
  1. Hereditary
  2. Food
  3. Historical Age
  4. Country and its ecological Quality
  5. Education
  6. Work
  7. Policy of the Government
  8. Art
  9. Effort
  10. Age of Physical Body
  11. Friendship
  12. Opportunity
  13. Research
  14. Habits
  15. Sentimental Feelings of the Society
  16. Moral Behavior

 Source:SKY Yoga

Human Mental Frequency

Human mind frequency can be measured by   a equipment-“Electro Encephalogram” –EEG .

Human mind frequency , in general can be four categories.
  1. ·         Beta Wave – 14-40  cycles per second
  2. ·         Alpha Wave – 8-13 cycles per second
  3. ·         Theta Wave - -04-7 cycles per second
  4. ·         Delta Wave – 01-03 Cycle per second